
2024年4月16日—BUTTE,Mont.—AnelephantwascaughtoncameraTuesdayroamingthestreetsinButte.TheJordanWorldCircusisintownandtheelephant ...,,2024年4月16日—AnelephantwasrunninglooseonHarrisonAvenueinButteonTuesdayafterittemporarilyescapedfromatravelingcircusthat'sintown.,2024年4月17日—AnescapedcircuselephantnamedViolawasseenweavingthroughtrafficandstridingacrossparkinglotsinButte,Mont.,onTuesday, ...,2...

Circus elephant gets loose, goes for stroll through Butte

2024年4月16日 — BUTTE, Mont. — An elephant was caught on camera Tuesday roaming the streets in Butte. The Jordan World Circus is in town and the elephant ...

Elephant runs loose in Butte after escaping from traveling ...

2024年4月16日 — An elephant was running loose on Harrison Avenue in Butte on Tuesday after it temporarily escaped from a traveling circus that's in town.


2024年4月17日 — An escaped circus elephant named Viola was seen weaving through traffic and striding across parking lots in Butte, Mont., on Tuesday, ...

Elephant gets loose, walks through Butte, Montana

2024年4月17日 — A circus elephant in the town of Butte, Montana escaped and got loose walking around the town to the amazement of residents.